Archive for 2008

Domestic Blowjob Bliss

marital blowjob in happy marriage

Blowjob photography is by the Czech photographer and surrealist Styrsky Jindrich.

Caned During A Blowjob

Gotta love the way this fellatrix is being “encouraged” by a woman who can’t keep her fingers out of her own pussy:

woman giving a blowjob is caned by another woman who is masturbating

Japanese Dog Fucker

It’s vintage, it’s shunga, it’s art — and it’s still dogfucking:

asian beastiality art

Sweet Vintage Blowjob

vintage blowjob

Cruel Blowjob

A handful of hair in one hand, a brutal whip in the other, and a happy penis (with unhappy girl) in the middle:

brutal BDSM blowjob art

Via Spanking Blog.



Vintage Porn Blogs With Vintage Other Erotic Links

