Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Expectant Bride

She’s getting undressed and she looks ready to claim her marital privileges. The stockings are coming off, but what do you want to bet she’s still wearing those immaculate white gloves when she cries out in the throes of her first married orgasm?

new and eager bride getting undressed for married sex

Cock Worship

A spot of fantasy penis worship. Artist anonymous, or at least unknown. Hold on tight, ladies!

two girls worshiping a giant phallus

Why Vintage Lust?

Why does the world need another blogload of vintage sex pictures?

Blame Eros Blog. I’ve been inspired to blog by the periodic vintage porn pictures Bacchus posts, like this one:

happy woman giving blowjob to two men

Fully explicit, raunchy as hell, sixty or seventy or eighty years old, and what’s that look on her face? The happiest smile you can imagine.

And that’s the point.

We tend to imagine the past as a sexless place, full of repression and stolidity and boring family portraits of stiff people posed in their best Sunday finery. Recreational sex is hard to picture. American Gothic or Victorian prude, it’s hard to imagine our ancestors with dicks and clits in hand and big smiles on their faces.

Photography has been around for more than 150 years. Representational art, rather longer. My goal with this blog is to collect old examples of lust, sex, raunch, “dirty pictures”, smut, porn, all of it. You know, fucking.

Naked beauty, too — there are a lot of vintage nudes on my hard drive — but not so much of the “artistic” composed salon nudity. Not unless something — a gleam in the model’s eye, a playful gesture, something — suggests lust. Or, perhaps, invites it.

And what is to be the point of all this? First, simple enjoyment. Second, to undermine the ancient, constant forces of repression. Third, to celebrate the vital, irrepressible, implacable power of human recreational sex.

Stick around, it will be fun!



Vintage Porn Blogs With Vintage Other Erotic Links

